Putting it in Perspective

Describing the problem to someone gives you the opportunity to put a perspective on the problem you are facing. When we just think about a problem, we could easily end up in circles or unable see the problem for what it is. We are too affected by the problem that if affects our thinking. We are sometimes unable to create our view of the problem rather than form an opinion on the problem or it's solutions. I call this the "face against the glass" syndrome. It's like we are looking at something in the display window of a shop with someone pressing our face hard against the glass (and not in a good way). We know what we want is behind the glass but we can barely see it.

The Daily Grind method of task management

More often than not, we are solving more than one problem at a time. It takes some work for me to keep track of which step I am on which problem. Not to mention the various solutions being implemented. I find that I quite like tasks lists but most electronic versions are either too cumbersome to use or too inaccessible. Most task list program either require you to enter a lot of information before it adds it while some are stuck on my PC whereas I need it on the go.
I think in a structured manner and I love outlines. I used to use a Palm PC and the most useful software on it to me was Natara Bonsai. It combined both outlines and a task lisk. That meant my thoughts could be converted into action immediately. The Palm PC has since died and I miss that software so much.
What I do now is a method I dub "The Daily Grind". It is sort of a grind because it requires work at the start of the day and at the end of the day. A high degree of discipline is required in maintaining it but if it does fall into disuse, updating it is a snap. I've been doing it on pen and paper and have found it easy to use and quick to analyze.

Outline Thoughts and Ideas with Outlines

I love outlines. I can't say it enough. I used to be a mess when it came to organizing my thoughts. It wasn't that I had no ideas, I had too many of them, coming to me all at once. My teachers made a note of my critical thinking skills but my natural ability to be disorganized made my comments not very useful beyond the first one or two ideas. My opinions were not clear to everyone beyond the initial comment.
Then I took an English class and one of the skill they taught was how to build an outline. It opened a whole new world to me. I was able to put down my thoughts and rearranged them so that other people would understand them.
I hope to have enough free time to delve into detail on making an outline but a starter, these links help

If you have other links that you've found useful, I'd like to hear about them. Please leave a comment together with the link for all to share. Thanks in advance.

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Get over it, it's a problem

Sebi on the most famous problem
Sebi on the most famous problem (Photo credit: do.se)
You know what? The saying is right. The first step is the hardest. So many problems grow and become worse simply because nobody is willing to admit it's a problem. The solution to this is simple: admit that it is a problem. This is the only way of getting over the negative interpretation of problems and allows you to focus on the problem. It moves us past the tantrums, regrets, delays and despair. It is about acceptance and moving on to the business of fixing the problem.
How exactly? There is no magic incantation. Say it aloud, "I have a problem." Don't dress it up with fancy words. It is not just a nuisance. It is not a just an inconvenience. It is isn't just an issue nor is it just a topic for discussion. Don't beat around the bush. It is a problem. Say it aloud.
The sooner you admit it, the sooner we get to solving it.

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Milk Is Worth Crying For

I don't agree with the saying "its no use crying over spilt milk". The saying advocates an action in response to an event over an emotional response. It's saying that it's better to do something instead of just sitting and feeling bad about it. I can't fully agree with that. Although an emotional response is not what should be dwelt on, it does have its uses.
Often an emotional response is required to help get over or put the event in the past. It may come even after action is taken. If there is time, go ahead on dwell on the problem but only for limited amount of time. Set a deadline. Limit yourself by setting the time when your will move to Step 2. Don't be surprised that you can't feel that bad once there is deadline to it.
An emotional response can be also converted into a powerful tool. Actions become more powerful when supported with emotion. I am not talking about lashing out or jumping headlong. The frustration with a problem can be converted to a commitment to find a solution. Take all those feelings of frustration and anger and use it to drive yourself to find a solution. Say to yourself, "Never again will I find myself in this problem. I'm going to learn my lesson and not do the same things that led to the problem. I'm going to find the solution that solves the problem in the best possible way for me."
Once a solution is found, all efforts that can be mustered can be put behind it to make sure it is done fast, done well and solves the problem. Don't be surprised when the success at the end will be so much fulfilling and so much more rewarding.

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Attitude Is Everything

Most People Succeed... Because They Are Determ...
Most People Succeed... Because
They Are Determined To
(Photo credit: FindYourSearch)
Problems become harder to solve partly because of how it affects us, how it makes us feel. Problems often represent an obstacle to reaching our goal, making us frustrated, mad or even feel defeated. This puts us at a disadvantage from the get go. How can we solve a problem if we ourselves are at a disadvantage?
Think about the last question. If I turn it around and say "If we are at a disadvantage, how can we solve a problem". The questions assumes we are at a disadvantage. We are at a disadvantage in solving problems because problems make us feel bad. A way out suddenly presents itself. If we don't feel bad, we would be at an advantage to solving the problem.We may not solve the problem by just changing how we feel, but we just took a big leap when we do.
How we feel as we are facing the problem is important. Don't let the problem get to you. If you do feel sad or angry, feel sad and angry for a while. But just before facing the problem to solve it, stop feeling sad and angry. Change how you feel. Change your attitude. Pick yourself up, take a deep breath and take that first step.

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The 5 steps to solve anything

I am writing this mainly to help others. So if you are reading wondering where the catch is. there is none. To prove my sincerity here are the 5 Steps to Solve anything upfront.
  1. Admit there is a problem
  2. Describe the problem
  3. Identify possible solutions
  4. Choose the best solution from No.3
  5. Do it
If you can understand from the list above what I mean or what the steps mean, then by all means, this site is not for you. If by reading the list above, you are inspired to solve your problem, then my job is done.
This blog is my ruminations on this list as I think more about it and refine the concept.
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