Take A Few Steps Back

You are stuck. You went through Step1 to Step3 and can't seem to find the solution that meets your criteria to solve the problem. Or you might have gotten to Step5 but you are finding the solution harder to do than you expected. You are having serious doubts about the 5 Steps. If you are depressed, you could also have serious doubts about your abilities and the situation you are in.
What advice do you give someone who is lost? "Re-trace your steps". Find the last junction you took. Go back some ways to the first junction you find. Look at your options. You know where you came from. You know where you got lost. How many other choices do you have? You should have at least one. Take it. Make note of where you came from and the options you already took. That way you don't try the same thing again.
When doing this, always remember that for each attempt taken, more resources and time will be used up. Be aware how much time you have left and what can you expend before solving the problem becomes your second concern.

Let's take a look at this another way. If you are banging your head against the wall, take a few steps back and try again. See, you missed the wall. You have just made progress. Take a few steps back and re-asses the wall. See if there is another way. 
There is always another choice, though: Go back to the beginning. Do this only if you can. If you are lost physically, that choice is hard. But if you are just working through the 5 Steps, go back to Step1 and try again. This time make different choices from Step2 onwards. In Step2, describe the solution differently. Try describing it to someone else. Maybe they will have a different take on it. Consider a wider variety of possible solutions in Step3. Make the critical decision whether meeting all of the solution criteria is all important. Consider solutions that only meet some of the criteria. In Step4, make a choice in a different way. Rather than making them alone, put it up to a vote. If you did a show by hands in the past, perhaps a secret ballot may free up dissenters in your group. You took action and did something. Good for you. Now try something else.