Distract Yourself from the Distractions

Congratulations! We've done all of the other steps in the 5Step series. We admitted and accepted that we have a problem. That problem is defined both in it's terms and in the terms of the goal we are trying to reach. We have identified possible solutions and have decided on a simple criteria to selecting the best one based on our goal. The criteria we have chosen has narrowed down our choice of a possible solution and we have decided on one that is most suited to our time constraints. We are now on Step5.
However, despite time being an issue, we just can't seem to go on and do that last step. We wander around with the intention of doing it but every time we try, we find ourselves doing something else or stopping as we were starting.
If we are with a team, we find that our team that was so focused on finding the solution is now lost and is being distracted by other things. Word has gone around that our group have found the solution and other people are talking to other members of the team about getting involved in other projects.
Why do so many distractions appear at the of the 5Steps? Why are we so distracted just about as we are going to finally solve the problem?
Unfortunately, there are so many reasons why. But when it comes to Step5, overcoming them may not need an understanding of the reasons in detail. We just need to understand enough to overcome it. One of the most common and simplest reason why we are distracted is because we prefer the distraction. We prefer the distraction from the work We have made a choice to choose to be distracted. What is the most powerful thing about choices? Realizing that we have one. Realizing that we can make one.
So now consider you have a choice between work and the distraction, why is the distraction is preferred? Was t a conscious decision? Is it because you are purposefully delaying doing Step5, knowing that you can do it any time? This is the definition of being egotistical. But instead to someone else, we are just being egotistic to ourselves.
There is another way to look at this. Mr Anthony Robbins would likely say we associate the distraction with pleasure and Step5 with pain. For some reason, we still think about the problem negatively and associate everything with it, even it's solution, with pain. We have a natural avoidance of pain, so we avoid the solution because of that association. When compared to it, we think of the distractions in more positive terms. In our brains somewhere, we think of the solution as painful and we chose to distract ourselves to avoid that pain.
Either way it is not necessary to know exactly why. What is important is for us to refocus and go back to doing Step5. We need to solve the problem finally. We need to end this. The reasons will cease to be important once Step5 is done. Most likely you will wonder what the fuss was all about and why you hesitated.
There are several way you could use to find a way around it
1. Relabel. Use increasingly positive labels for Step5 and increasingly damning labels for the distraction - is Step5 work or is Step5 the path to success. Distraction is delay. Step5 is problem solved. Distraction is time wasted. Distraction is denying ourselves success. Step5 is success

2. Focus on the good feeling that you know you will feel once Step5 is done. Think about the job being done. See yourself finishing the report, screwing in that last screw, shaking hands with the customer, walking out of the exam hall with a smile and the face of you now-ex-boyfriend as you walk away from him. Think of the satisfactions.
3. Think about what is that first task in Step5. Do that. Or list the tasks in Step5 and build a list. Do one task at a time, focusing only on that one task and not thinking about the next until the task at hand is done. Before your know it, the work will be done .
Distractions are just that, obstacles to your completing the journey you took when you started with Step1 and ends with your problem solved