Dealing with Pressures of Compromise

Solving problems is stressful. Some of the stress comes from the pressure created by the problem. This is an effect of the problem or something the problem creates. Some of the stress can also comes from pressures in solving the problem. Most of the time, this is caused when dealing with constraints. Constraints to solving a problem are sometimes the reason why a problem is difficult to solve. It is when we know how to solve a problem but can't use the solutions we want to. We feel pressured to discard the solutions we like. This mental stress can be difficult. It is difficult to discard anything we like. Relieve that pressure by focusing on this: the solution we like would not have solved the problem. It won't work because of the constraints we are facing. Don't force a square peg down a round hole. Accept the constraints, if it can't be dealt with, and move on.
Once we have accepted that the solutions we like are not the solutions that work, we can move on to other solutions that may work. This process is critical and is part of Step4, selecting the solution. We will always aim for the best solution we can but given the constraints, we think we are compromising on the solutions.
This is wrong. If a constraint doesn't allow for a particular solution, that ceases to become a viable option. We can't choose to do what we can't do. Worse, if we do, it will cause even more problems. Consider this: is it really the best solution when is creates more problems?
What we can do is address any shortcomings that other possible solutions may bring. Once we accepted that the solutions we prefer can't be done, we have to accept that the solution we eventually choose may come with it's own problems or may required additional attention. A solution we eventually choose may have it's own problem. This could be caused by the constraints imposed on the solution. Then our consideration is should be this: of the problems that can be created by any solution, which of those can we solve immediately and within our constraints.
The important thing here is we should  not consider those problems and issues that require attention as separate. Those are part of the solution. This is critical because of a tendency to focus on the positive aspects of a solution and bury the negative aspects. We can bask in the glory of solving the problem but only once we paid it's full price. The solution is only done when it is completely implemented, not when the first problem goes away.