Timeliness of it all Part 2

Continued from Part1.
Once we have determined the goals of the solution (Step2), we can start looking at possible solutions (Step3).  Then we choose the solution to do in Step4. One way to do so is to set the criteria for the right solution. The criteria for the right solution may be as important as the solution itself because we are expressing both the goals of the problems and the limitations that we have to take into consideration. One of the most important limits is time, specifically execution time.
A solution that is complete but takes too long may not be the right choice. Think of it this way: Although we can test all the wires to be sure, the bomb may go off by the time we do so. Maybe our problem is not a time-bomb but when considering the factor of time, it works the same way. We want a solution that not only works but works at the right time.
This leads to the question of a compromise on completeness or quality. We may need to sacrifice either or both to meet time limit. It just may be the best choice. However, the adage "There is no time to do it right the first time, but there is always time to come back and fix it again and again" should also be heeded. Consider breaking the solution into two parts. The first part is to meet that deadline. The second is to make the solution complete. We solve the problem partially to avoid other problems if we wait too long but we don't stop until the entire problem is solved.
The reality of it is that some people would view this as wasteful. Why bother with the second part if the first part already fixes the problem? It is important to try to communicate that the first part did not solve the problem but merely delayed the problem from becoming worse sooner. Or that the first part of the solution will itself fail soon. Or simply call the first part not solving the problem. Often at this juncture, there are very stubborn parties that would do anything to stop it there. For them, let's meet their stubbornness by refusing to acknowledge the problem was solved.

Focus on getting the second part done. Start on it as soon as the first part is done. Do so in a way that is seamless so that to the layperson it looks like one job. Convince those that do see the difference that second part comes in to finish the job and make the solution permanent or minimize it's effect so that is does not get to be called a problem.
If other people fail to understand, use the dyke example. This story comes from Holland. A boy comes across the leak in they dyke. This dyke holds back the ocean from flooding homes and farmlands. He quickly puts his finger in and shouts for help. Do the people who come take a look at the kid and say that the problem is solved? Of course, they don't. They quickly realize that a more permanent solution is needed and proceed to get the materials necessary to plug the leak permanently. Why did they do so? Because it was obvious that the boys finger could not remain there forever. That was the conclusion the people came to. We should point out that the boy did what he did out of concern for time. He had reasoned that the people knew about the leak but were not acting fast enough. So he decided that now is the best time to act.